Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, April 19 (Reporters Yu Jie and Tan Yuanbin) Wuhan will continue to provide basic living guarantees for people in need, and include those affected by the epidemic in a timely manner into the scope of the relevant guarantees, or provide temporary guarantees Relief fund. The urban and rural minimum living standard in Wuhan has been raised to 830 yuan per month and 680 yuan per month, respectively.

  This is the news revealed by Li Qiang, deputy mayor of Wuhan City, on the 19th at a regular press conference held at the Hubei Province New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters.

  Li Qiang said that from January to June of this year, the annual verification work for the current Dibao targets will be temporarily suspended, and the new applicants will be subject to vacancy approval. After the epidemic, those who go out to work, return to work, self-employed Dibao and low-income objects are not counted from April to June this year, and their income is halved from July to December.

  According to reports, from April 1st, the urban and rural minimum living standard in Wuhan has been raised to 830 yuan per month and 680 yuan per month respectively, simultaneously raising the basic living standard for other people in need. From April, according to the price changes from March to June, the temporary price subsidy will be doubled while the linkage mechanism between the guarantee standard and the price increase is activated in time.

  From March to June of this year, the living allowance for severely disabled persons and the nursing allowance for severely disabled persons were raised by 50 yuan each month. Promote employment through multiple channels and focus on solving employment services and assistance for college graduates and people with employment difficulties. Strengthen employment skills training, support flexible employment, encourage enterprises to absorb employment, develop public welfare positions and implement bottom-up placement.