(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Putin Announces Postponement of Victory Day Parade and Related Public Events on May 9

  China News Agency, Moscow, April 16 (Reporter Wang Xiujun) Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on the 16th that he postponed the military parade and related large-scale public events on the May 9 Patriotic War (World War II) victory day.

  Putin made the above statement at the Federal Security Conference held on the same day. He said that the preparations for the military parade on May 9 should have already begun. However, the peak of the epidemic situation has not yet passed, and the risks are still very high. Therefore, he asked the Ministry of National Defense, powerful institutions and governments at all levels to adjust the arrangements to postpone the preparations for the Red Square parade and military parade in various places. All public events planned to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War were also postponed.

  Putin said that all the activities originally planned for May 9 will be held warmly and solemnly in 2020.

  This year marks the 75th anniversary of Russia (Soviet Union) victory in World War II. Due to the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, whether Russia can hold a Victory Day parade as planned has become a topic of concern to all parties. On the 15th, several Russian veteran organizations sent a letter to Putin requesting a postponement of the military parade. On the evening of the 15th, the Russian media again quoted sources as saying after April 2 that Russia would postpone the military parade plan. Earlier on the 16th, Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Matt Viyenko said that the military parade will be held this year, but the specific date will depend on the situation of the epidemic.

  According to the Russian New Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, on the 16th, in the past day and night, there were 3,448 new cases of Russian new crown pneumonia infection, and the cumulative number of infections reached 27,934.

  According to the news of the Russian Altai Republic Government on the 16th, the first case of new coronavirus infection was found in the Republic. So far, all of the 85 federal entities in Russia have had cases of new coronavirus infection. (Finish)