Jiao Yahui responded to foreign media questioning China's low fatality rate: mobilizing optimal resources to reflect institutional advantages

  On the afternoon of April 16, a press conference for Chinese and foreign media was held in Wuhan. At the meeting, Jiao Yahui, Supervisory Commissioner of the Medical Administration of the National Health and Health Commission, talked about the effectiveness of the treatment of elderly patients with new crowns and answered questions from reporters.

Jiao Yahui. Surging News Reporter Tang Qitu

  In response to the foreign media's question that some countries questioned China's low mortality rate, Jiao Yahui said that in Wuhan, the current mortality rate is 5.5%. The final mortality rate statistics need to wait until the epidemic is over to fully understand the disease. How strong is the pathogenicity? In China, all the published information is open and transparent. The World Health Organization has also organized experts to visit hospitals and disease control centers in many cities in China, including Wuhan, to understand the treatment situation. From the perspective of a third party, the World Health Organization China's entire epidemic prevention and control and data gave a very objective and fair evaluation.

  "In fact, the early mortality rate in Wuhan is also very high, reaching 10%, because we did not have enough knowledge about infectious diseases in the early days, especially the spread of new coronary pneumonia is very wide, and there is a global consensus, so it is a medical resource Very big challenge. "Jiao Yahui pointed out that China can take advantage of the system to requisition hospitals with thousands of beds as designated hospitals in a short period of time. However, the scale of hospitals in many developed countries in Europe and America is not very large. Europe and the United States requisitioned a dozen hospital beds. China can mobilize medical staff from all over the country to support Wuhan, something that some European and American countries cannot.

  She said that including the Chinese experience that many countries are learning from this time is the construction of square cabin hospitals, China has a national emergency medical rescue team, Wuhan also has so many large gyms, exhibition centers and other venues and facilities, which can expand beds in a short time, so The rapid availability of medical resources can bring more patients in, which is why our treatment rate is relatively high. Patients in some countries in Europe and the United States have no way to be admitted to hospitals, which is a relatively high cause of death.

  In addition, the best resources in China have been used for the treatment of critically ill patients, and Wuhan's "closing the city" and other measures are the reasons for China's suppression of the spread of the epidemic and the low number of fatalities.

  Jiao Yahui said that the Chinese government's attitude is relatively firm. Wuhan is a city with a population of more than 10 million. Other prefecture-level cities in Hubei, including Wuhan, have adopted the approach of closing the passage from Han to Hubei. The country is not seen. The governments of some countries are hesitant and want to take measures, but they are not resolute and incomplete. As a result, diseases continue to occur and the epidemic curve continues to rise.

  "There is a saying in China that one side is in trouble and the other side supports it. In such a big city, the state grants funds and our country grants funds to support materials throughout the country to ensure the normal life of Hubei people including Wuhan. We have great confidence in taking closure measures. "She said that the Chinese government has the determination and courage to change the epidemic curve in a short time, which is also an effective measure for China to reduce the mortality rate.

  Jiao Yahui finally said, "What we need to do as other countries is not to question China ’s digital problems, but to strengthen our confidence and learn from China ’s real experience, the lives of patients are above everything else, and take measures to treat these. Patients should be collected as much as possible and treated as soon as possible. This is the most effective measure to reduce the mortality rate. "

  The surging news reporter Tang Qi from Wuhan