China News Service, April 15th, according to foreign media reports, on the 14th local time, US President Trump said that some parts of the United States may be unblocked before May 1. But Fossi, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, believes that the goal of resuming work on May 1 is "a bit too optimistic" because the United States still has insufficient testing and tracking capabilities.

Data graph: US President Trump. China News Agency reporter Chen Meng Tongshe

According to Reuters reports, Trump said on the 14th that he is close to completing a plan to end the closure caused by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic and restart the US economy. Trump said in the White House Rose Garden that he would "authorize" the governors of the states to implement relevant plans in the state when the time is right, but some experts question whether the president has this power. Trump said he will discuss the plan with all 50 governors, most likely through a video conference on the 16th.

According to the US Fox News report, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on the 14th that Trump plans to release some "very important announcements" in the next one or two days, announcing when the US economy can reopen.

Trump said, "We think the situation in some states is better and should be able to open earlier", which means that before the end of April, "other states will take a little longer."

In response, Fossi said that the date of unblocking May 1 may be "a little too optimistic." "We have to have something efficient and reliable, but we are not ready yet." He also said that resumption of work must be done step by step 1. One industry at a time, not all industries resume work at the same time.

According to previous reports, Fossi has pointed out that social health and other restrictions can only be lifted after public health officials can quickly detect viruses, isolate new cases, and track new cases.