China Overseas Chinese Network, April 13 (Xinhua Daily) reported that with the spread of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic in New York, many parents have stayed home for long periods of time, causing tensions in parent-child relationships.

Chinese-American educators and psychological counselors said that parents play a leading role in their children's home-based epidemic prevention. When facing children, they must first calm down, slow down their tone, and plan their time in a reasonable manner. They cannot be abandoned because they have not gone to school. Academic.

Former Child Welfare Bureau Chinese-licensed social worker Luo Shuhua said that children cannot go out at the time of the epidemic, all their energy is at home, they will be bored and irritable, and there will be inevitable friction with their parents in life. Do not keep arguing with your child on the same topic, but find other ways to divert your child ’s attention. She said that young children may be puzzled by the prohibition of going out, and parents should be gentle and explain, not to be angry because of the child's small emotions.

Psychological counselor Li Feijun said that many Chinese parents are also under great pressure during the epidemic. They are overwhelmed by the sudden changes in work and life under the epidemic; however, in the face of their children, parents must not be confused, otherwise they will also bring children For negative impacts, we should pay more attention to controlling emotions.

Luo Shuhua reminded parents to urge their children not to relax because of school suspension. For example, young children who do not yet know how to operate computers must have parents to help them take classes remotely. "Parents can also learn together with their children." They can also improve parent-child relationships.

Li Feijun said that parents and their children should stay as restless as possible in the past, because regular life can bring a sense of security, and I wo n’t panic in my heart. In addition to learning, parents should arrange parent-child fun activities such as sports, games, and research of new recipes in addition to learning. (Yan Jieen)