It is said that US President Donald Trump said in a statement last month at the Task Force (TF) meeting of the new Coronavirus Infectious Disease (Corona 19) that "Can't we just let Corona 19 pass through our country?"

Trump's remarks came to light later as the administration's initial deficiency in controversy continued to rise on the cutting board, revealing the circumstances in which he ignored health officials' subsequent warnings about the dangers of the spread of Corona19.

The Washington Post (WP) introduced the anecdote that President Trump challenged the Director of the National Institute for Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the National Institutes of Health, Anthony Pouch at the Corona 19 TF meeting held last month in the White House situation room last month. did.

The WP said it happened on the day that the United States added Britain and Ireland to the United States.

It was on the 14th of last month that the United States added these two countries to the list while preventing entry into Europe.

President Trump hopes to understand why the discussion of 'herd immunity' is a bad idea, based on the belief that anyone who has survived Corona 19 has immunity, and that it leaves Corona sweeping the country unrestrained. WP reported.

Trump asked, "Why don't you want this (Corona 19) to go through this country?" Two celebrities familiar with the situation at the time told WP.

The question was also repeatedly asked by President Trump at the White House Oval Office (office), the WP quoted as saying that it had cited other administration officials.

In response to President Trump's question, Major Pouch initially seemed confused because he didn't understand the meaning of 'make it pass', but soon became aware of the purpose of the question and then became anxious.

"The president, many people will die," said the pouch director.

President Trump said he understood, but since then he has made it clear that he still wants to normalize economic activity.

Group immunity refers to an increase in the resistance of the entire population to the disease when a population has many people with immunity to certain infectious diseases.

In the case of Corona 19, in order to develop immunity in the absence of a vaccine, it is necessary to take and recover from Corona 19.

However, since collective immunity is a way of neglecting the spread of infection, there has been controversy over the cost of society, such as the spread of deaths.

President Trump's remarks at the time could interpret whether or not he still underestimated the seriousness of the corona19 outbreak, exposing a negative stance on regulations such as 'social distance', which restricts normal economic activities on the grounds of collective immunity claims. see.

However, President Trump issued a guideline on social distance to prevent the spread of Corona 19 during the TF briefing on the 16th of last month.

Regarding the controversy over President Trump's insolvency, New York's Welfare Minister Alix Eiza warned President Trump of danger several times in January, just before Corona 19 spread out of control in New York, but New York says Trump did not take it seriously. A report by the Times (NYT) was reported the day before.

(Yonhap News, photo = Getty Image Korea)