Over the past five years, the Swedish Transport Agency has issued approximately 190,000 professional qualifications for freight and passenger transport in Sweden.

- 35,000 must be updated this year. Many of them are truck drivers, says Rickard Gegö, CEO of Sweden's haulage company.

To update the evidence, drivers are required to gather and undergo a course, which does not fall under the current corona crisis.

He adds that the politicians and the authorities have been responsive to the demands of hauliers. During the corona crisis, exceptions were allowed for the driving and rest time regulations.

But you still keep your thumbs for an exemption from the professional qualifications and that such a decision will be made shortly.

Why can't YKB be managed digitally remotely?

- The Swedish Transport Agency has been hard at not allowing distance education digitally. Then the directive is interpreted. It looks like a new plan is coming in May where parts of the training will be able to be carried out remotely. There is a lot of uncertainty in this right now, replies Rickard Gegö.

In the clip you hear him tell you more.