"The epidemic will eventually pass and wait for the spring to bloom"

International students in Japan tell "anti-epidemic story"

□ The newspaper is stationed in Japan

Reporter Ji Yong

On April 7, after the Japanese government announced that 7 regions including Tokyo and Osaka had entered an emergency, the situation of Japan's new coronary pneumonia epidemic suddenly increased. With the spread of the epidemic, the health and safety of more than 110,000 Chinese students studying in Japan are affecting the hearts of all parties. The Chinese embassy in Japan sent protective materials to foreign students in the first time. Under the coordination of the embassy, ​​Chinese student alumni associations across Japan also took active actions to unite and help each other and overcome difficulties. In order to understand the study and living conditions of Chinese students in Japan, reporters from the "Legal Daily" recently interviewed some international students and asked them to tell their stories of "anti-epidemic".

Chang Jiuyang is a fourth-year doctoral student majoring in cardiology at the Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University. At the same time, he is a member of the Alumni Association of Chinese Students in Western Japan. Chang Jiuyang told reporters from the Legal Daily that since the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia Outbreak, the Western Japan Area Chinese Alumni Association has set up a special translation team to translate Japanese daily outbreak-related news and government published information into Chinese for the first time and push International students in Japan. In addition, in response to the tension and panic emotions of some international students, under the guidance of the Education Office of the Embassy in Japan, the Alumni Association established a psychological crisis response team on February 27 from the Osaka University, Kyoto University, Kobe University, Okayama in Western Japan Thirteen volunteers, including doctors of psychology and clinical medicine from the University and Hiroshima University, provide free one-on-one psychological counseling to Chinese students.

The Osaka epidemic is relatively serious, and it is one of the seven regions declared to be in an emergency. At present, a cluster of infections on campus has occurred in Kyoto, not far from Osaka. Several universities in Osaka have also experienced student infections, but fortunately, there is no infection by Chinese students.

On the evening of April 5th, when the Chinese Embassy in Japan invited Academician Zhang Boli to have an online dialogue with students and overseas Chinese in Japan, Chang Jiuyang participated in the dialogue as a representative of Chinese students in the Western Japan region. Regarding how to alleviate panic emotions, Zhang Boli carefully answered from the perspectives of the treatment of the epidemic in China and Japan, the evolution of the new coronary pneumonia and personal protection measures. Chang Jiuyang said that through the connection, foreign students have learned a lot about new coronary pneumonia.

Chang Jiuyang said that since the outbreak of the Japanese epidemic, international students in Japan have deeply felt the warmth brought by the motherland. The embassy recently distributed masks to international students, and will soon distribute "health packs" and other materials. Everyone is very confident now.

At the end of the interview, Chang Jiuyang said that in the face of an increasingly severe epidemic, international students in Japan have always been strong, believing that the epidemic will eventually pass and wait for the spring to bloom.

Jiang Miao is a 3rd-year doctoral student at the University of Tokyo, specializing in electronic engineering. Since March 5, Jiang Miao, who has been insisting on writing a WeChat public account, was inspired by his classmates and began to use the WeChat public account to broadcast the latest daily situation of the new Japanese pneumonia epidemic to surrounding students and friends. To this end, Jiang Miao will pay attention to the Japan Broadcasting Association, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the official websites of various local governments every day, and summarize the latest epidemic data and share it with everyone. Over the past month, Jiang Miao has received positive feedback from time to time, allowing her to experience the joy of helping others.

Jiang Miao said that in the early days of the epidemic in Japan, everyone's awareness of prevention was not very strong. Not only can you see many people on the road without wearing masks, but the trams are also overcrowded as usual. With the development of the epidemic, from the shortage of masks to the emergence of Japanese society to snap up toilet paper, rice and food hoarding, I felt that people around me began to get nervous. On the evening of April 7, Prime Minister Abe issued a declaration of emergency, and he could intuitively feel the escalation of the Japanese society's response to the epidemic.

Affected by the epidemic situation, the group meetings of Jiang Miao's research room and the school's teaching have been changed to online formats. Although it has brought some inconvenience to research and study, it has little temporary impact. From April 6th, Dongda University announced that the prevention level has been upgraded to level 2 (the highest level is 4, closed school). Students can still go to the school for research activities normally, just make an application for registration. Starting from April 8th, Dongda University will further upgrade the level of prevention to level 3, and further increase the restrictions on research activities at the school. Some equipment use has begun to implement a licensing system, but her research laboratory has not yet notified the students to restrict the school Experiment.

Jiang Miao said that the spread of the epidemic in various countries is a process that will definitely go through, but only the difference in degree and speed. Seeing the situation in other countries where the epidemic is more serious, she still feels a little panic and the Chinese friends around her will also feel nervous. As an "anti-epidemic" measure, Jiang Miao usually wears masks, carefully wash her hands, pay attention to ventilation, standing alcohol, etc. In addition, she also pays attention not to go to places where there are many people. It became the "three points and one line" of home, school and supermarket.

What made Miao Jiang feel warm was that when Japanese society faced a shortage of protective materials and had less than 20 masks on hand, the embassy released news of the distribution of "health packs" to international students. Jiang Miao quickly registered information and expected to receive related materials soon. In addition, the International Students Alumni Association and the China Council for the Promotion of Foreign Affairs also support masks for international students. International students also share relevant information and support masks with each other, which allows everyone to concentrate on studying and live in peace.

Jiang Miao said that after the severe epidemic in Japan, every time he talked with his family on a video call, he would talk about whether to return to China, but he has been in a state of entanglement. Taking into account issues such as schooling and cross-infection during and after returning home, I finally felt that it would be safer to stay in Japan.

"Mo Daofu clouds will end in the end, severe winter will be full of blooming spring buds." At the end of the interview, Jiang Miao used such a poem to encourage himself and other international students to overcome the epidemic situation, concentrate on their studies, and strive for early success.