The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to firmly support the decision of the central government to conduct disciplinary review and supervision investigation on Zhang Zhinan

Southeast Daily News on April 12 (Fujian Daily News reporter Zhou Lin) On the evening of April 12, the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee held a meeting to convey the central government's decision to conduct disciplinary review and supervision investigation on Zhang Zhinan's alleged serious violation of discipline and law. Provincial Party Secretary Yu Weiguo presided over the meeting.

The participating comrades made statements one by one, and everyone unanimously expressed their firm support for the Central Committee's decision.

The meeting pointed out that the Central Committee ’s decision to conduct disciplinary review and supervision investigation on Zhang Zhinan ’s alleged serious violations of disciplines and laws fully demonstrated that the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core unswervingly promotes the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and persists in the main theme of "strict" for a long time. The firm determination and confidence to carry out the anti-corruption struggle to the end fully demonstrates the long-term, complex and arduous nature of the anti-corruption struggle. Party organizations at all levels in the province and the vast number of party members and cadres must effectively enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", resolutely integrate thoughts and actions into the spirit of the central government's decision. As a precaution, the alarm bell sounds long, maintains political soberness and firmness in the face of right and wrong, and always maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in ideological and political actions.

The meeting emphasized that the party committees (party groups) and party members and leading cadres at all levels in the province must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era socialist thinking with Chinese characteristics, resolutely carry out the comprehensive and strict governance of the party's political responsibility, subject responsibility, first responsibility, and fully implement The general requirements for party building in the new era are to comprehensively promote party building in all aspects. We must always put the party's political construction in the first place, always maintain absolute loyalty to the party, strictly clarify the party's political discipline and political rules, align the quasi-political direction, adhere to the party's political leadership, strengthen the political foundation, conserve the political ecology, prevent political risks, Maintain political character and improve political capabilities, resolutely fulfill the "five musts", resolutely prevent the "seven out of it", and ensure that the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core makes decisions and implements them in a timely manner. We must unswervingly advance the building of the Party's work style and clean government and fight against corruption, implement strict requirements, effectively strengthen the strict education, strict supervision, and strict management of party members and leading cadres, strictly investigate and punish all violations of discipline and law, and insist on no-forbidden areas. , Full coverage, zero tolerance, promote the courage to not rot, not to rot, do not want to rot, and consolidate and expand the overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption. Leading cadres of party members at all levels must adhere to clean governance, use power with integrity, clean self-cultivation, and clean family, strictly manage family members and staff around them, strictly implement "one duty and two responsibilities", resolutely oppose privileged thoughts and privileges, and firmly cooperate with corruption Behavior.

The meeting pointed out that the province is currently at a critical stage of overall planning to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres should thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping ’s important speech, important instructions, instructional spirit and various decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee. In this work, we will strive to achieve both victory in epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.