A US official suggested easing quarantine restrictions at the start of next month in light of the Corona pandemic, while British Prime Minister Boris Johnson left hospital after recovering from the virus.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Stephen Han said Sunday that President Donald Trump's administration considers May 1 a target date to ease restrictions on staying at home across the United States, but he warned that it was too early to say whether that was the goal. Will come true.

"We see the light at the end of the dark tunnel," he added to the program "This week" on ABC, but pointed out that there are many factors that must be taken into consideration when making the final decision on when restrictions can be lifted safely.

And in Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson left the hospital in London today, Sunday, where he had been treating for a week as a result of infection with the emerging coronavirus, the British government announced.

On Sunday morning, Johnson made his first official announcement since he was admitted to hospital. "I will not be able to give the health care system workers in Britain the credit they deserve, they saved my life," he said.

Britain is currently witnessing a daily death toll comparable to that previously recorded in the most affected countries in Europe such as Italy and Spain, after it crossed the threshold of 10 thousand deaths during the past two days.

But the actual number may be much higher, because the number does not include those who died in care and in society.

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Call the Pope
In his message for Easter Sunday, Pope Francesco called for "reducing" or "canceling" the debts of poor countries and alleviating international sanctions imposed on some countries. He also called for "an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire in all parts of the world," calling for solidarity. Europe in the face of the outbreak of the new Corona virus.

The United States refuses to lift the severe economic sanctions imposed on Iran, despite the country's registration of a heavy toll from HIV infections.

The number of new corona virus deaths around the world today exceeded 110,000, according to the latest data from the WorldMeter website, which specializes in monitoring victims of the virus.

The data, which was published by the same website, showed that the number of HIV infections reached one million, 795,630 cases.

The United States in the lead
The United States topped the list of countries with the most deaths, with 20,580 deaths.

Italy came second with 19,468, Spain third with 16,972, France fourth with 13,832, Britain fifth with 9,875, and Iran sixth with 4,474 cases. To date, it has recovered from the virus 411,871 infected.

Today, Sunday, the Saudi authorities announced the registration of seven new deaths from the Corona virus, bringing the total to 59.

The Ministry of Health said in its daily statement on the developments of the virus that "429 new cases of corona have been registered in the Kingdom, bringing the total to 4462," according to the official news agency.

The ministry pointed to the recovery of 41 new cases, bringing the total number of people recovered to 761.

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Turkey and Iran
In Turkey, the incidence of coronavirus infection remains low despite the high number of tests, with a lower death rate compared to infections, and a decrease in the number of patients being treated in intensive care units.

According to Anatolia, hospitals and medical centers have conducted 340,380 tests for the Corona virus, in which 52,167 people have been confirmed to have contracted Corona since the virus first appeared on Turkish soil on 10 March.

And on Saturday, the Ministry of Health announced that the number of tests reached 33,170, which is the largest number of tests the country has reached within one day.

On Sunday, Iran announced 117 additional deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic, bringing to 4,444 the official death toll from the virus in the country.

Iran is the country most affected in the Middle East by the epidemic that occurred in China, and since the first cases were announced last February, the Islamic Republic has registered 71,686 confirmed cases.

Today, Sunday, President Hassan Rouhani announced during the cabinet session that the travel ban between one governorate and another that has been in place since the end of last March will be lifted from April 20.

But he also called on the Iranians to stay indoors and exit only "when necessary" and be vigilant about an unbeatable epidemic.

On Sunday, China announced 97 new "imported" infections - that is, for newcomers from abroad - with the emerging Corona virus, at the highest toll since early March and the start of recording these infections.

The pandemic was generally controlled across the country, but health authorities in Shanghai indicated that 51 Chinese infected with the Covid-19 epidemic arrived on the same flight from Russia.