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'Jungle becomes the center of politics.' This is a saying that is passed down by word of mouth among users of the game 'League of Legends'. If 'Jungle' is the center of the game, the center of Korean politics is definitely Jongno. On April 15th, in the Jongno district, Democratic Party candidates Lee Nak-yeon and Future Conflict Party candidate Hwang Kyo-an will face each other. Another reason why the confrontation between the two is more interesting is that two of the members of the National Assembly elected in the Jongno constituency became presidents. Former President Lee Myung-bak and former President Roh Moo-hyun were elected as members of the Jongno District Assembly in 1996 and 1998 respectively. While candidates Lee Nak-yeon and Hwang Kyo-an are also being discussed as the next major runners up, there have also been media outlets calling the two fights 'mini-election'. Who will survive the game of the two big shots? Social media video mugs are delivered from a live scene sent by reporter Lee Ho-gun, a human observer.