Paris (AFP)

Amazon will provide masks to all its employees in France and, as in the United States, set up a temperature control at the entrance of the sites, announced Friday the boss of the French branch of the giant of online business.

"The authorities do not ask us to work today with masks and yet from today, in all Amazon France buildings, employees will be equipped with masks at their request," announced the director general of Amazon France, Frédéric Duval on RTL. "From Monday, we will have a temperature control by thermal camera at the entrance of the sites in France".

The boss of Amazon France, which employs 13,000 people, also gave his full support "to a colleague from Brétigny (Essonne) who was taken care of" in intensive care after being contaminated. "We hope he will get out of there," he added.

For several days, the American brand has faced the anger of its employees and union organizations, who are demanding better protections against the coronavirus.

In the North, the CGT even announced its intention to file a complaint for "endangering the lives of others", the management having refused to certain employees to exercise their right of withdrawal.

"The security regulations are in place. We discuss them on a daily basis with the trade union organizations and we even go further than what the government requests," also assured the leader.

"We have applied from the start all the recommendations made by the government very strictly and gradually as they appear," he added while Amazon was directly singled out by Muriel Pénicaud, the Minister of Labor.

"I had the minister on the phone and invited her to come and see for herself in our distribution centers," continued Mr. Duval.

"I wish that we, Amazon, have a modest role in managing this crisis, that we are a resource for a good number of French people to stay at home," he added, indicating that Amazon had "stock ".

In the United States, Amazon's parent company announced during the night that it would provide thermometers, masks and disinfectant to its employees, three days after a strike by employees and deliverymen demanding protection against the coronavirus.

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