China, April 3. According to the US "World Daily" report, April 1 is the census day of the United States National Census Day (Census Day), and related census activities have begun for weeks. Census officials in charge of the California state capital and representatives of Asian-Pacific communities call on Asian-Pacific people to actively participate in the census to ensure that the community's representativeness is not missing.

Ditas Katague, director of the California Complete Count's office in California, is Filipino and understands the importance of Asian Pacific ancestry participation. She emphasized that news reporting by ethnic minority media had a significant impact, as these media were a trusted source of news information within the immigrant community, and she thanked these community partners for their role in the census.

Kategye served in various positions in the California government, also participated in the 2000 and 2010 censuses, and also served in the Federal Census Bureau. The California State House's full statistics office has no direct relationship with the Federal Census Bureau, and Cartage is mainly based on community outreach and cooperation. She said that this census event will continue throughout the summer. If you don't want anyone to come to the statistics, it is best to fill it out online now.

In addition, June Lim, a Chinese representative of the Asian American Public Benefit Promotion Center (AAAJ), said that Asian-Pacific descent is a hard-to-count community because many people worry that their privacy will be leaked.

June Lim urged people not to worry because the law prohibits the Census Bureau from transferring personal data to other government departments. She said that if Asian-Pacific people do not want their communities to be representative, especially in the decisions of Congress, government budgets, etc., they should participate as soon as possible.

According to the latest data as of April 1, the proportion of households (addresses) that have participated in the census nationwide has reached 34.9%, compared with 37.9% in California. Residents can also log in to the official census website to participate in the census. If you are not familiar with computer operation, you can also participate in the census by phone. (Li Yan)