Mohamed Salah

Yoga is one of the most appropriate and easiest exercises that can be practiced at home, to obtain many physical and psychological benefits, especially in the period of home isolation imposed by the emerging SK virus.

This quiet sport has several benefits, the most prominent of which is the flexibility of muscles, as it stimulates blood circulation, which enhances immunity and raises the body's ability to resist diseases and get rid of toxins.

It also strengthens the body muscularly and increases its balance, making it tight and tight, improving breathing and digestion, and delaying the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Psychologically, yoga relieves anxiety and depression, increases concentration and helps to relax and sleep well. Many women may need them to relieve stress and feel relaxed for minutes, in light of the daily stresses they experience during healthy isolation.

Yoga does not need more than a suitable time and place in the house where there is calm and relaxation, and a follow-up of a yoga teacher for beginners on YouTube, for example: “Shadana Yoga” and “Yoga with Adriene”.

Then simulate the steps of the coach with precision and focus, and with perseverance and repetition the performance will develop, and yoga becomes an essential part of your daily lifestyle.

Here are 5 basic steps to learn yoga with ease:

The first step: focus
We start with it to improve focus, balance, stretch the body, strengthen the spine, legs and thighs, and extend the muscles of the shoulders and chest.

And you start by standing in the "mountain position", where the body is straight and steady, focusing on a specific point to look towards it all the time, taking a deep inhale and slow exhalation while relaxing the shoulders, and repeat it 4 times.

Let's move to the "tree position" by attaching the palms to the chest and then lifting the left foot up to fix its interior on the inner side of the right leg, and stay in this position while breathing calmly from 5 to 10 breaths, before returning to the mountain position and taking a deep breath to rest, then repeat the position The tree is on the other foot. And there's no objection at first from leaning against a wall or chair to help balance.

The second step: stretch the muscles
Begin by sitting square with the back straight, then tilt the head seconds to the right while breathing quietly before reversing to the other side. Next, let's focus on the four corners of the transition to "cat stretched".

It is a dual position that helps to relax the muscles of the back, hips and abdomen, and at the same time works to strengthen the back and neck, which achieves more balance, and it is one of the positions that help relieve daily stress.

It can be performed by taking a deep inhale with the curvature of the spine, so that the abdomen drops to the bottom, while the cripples, shoulders and head rise up, looking slowly towards the top to obtain a gentle stretch in the neck, then switch to curvature up with a lower head, shoulders, and exhale slowly, and repeat It 5 times.

The third step: straightening the back
It begins with standing and warming by placing hands on the shoulders, joining the elbows and returning them back with the inhale, then returning in a semi-circular movement with exhalation, repeating four times, then reversing the direction.

Until we reach the "forward bending" position by standing so that the feet are far apart from the hips, then the hands are tied and firmly stretched upward in conjunction with the forward bend as far as the hamstrings allow, keeping the knees slightly bent and resting the abdomen on the thighs.

It is an ideal position to get rid of dorsal convexity caused by sitting behind computers screens throughout the day, as it works to calm the nervous system, as it expands the spine, abdominal muscles, hamstrings and thigh muscles, and enhances the strength of the knees.

Step four: open the sink

By lying on the back and spacing between the thighs and the soles of the feet attached to each other, with hands placed on the stomach and an attempt to feel the breath as it reaches the abdomen.

To move to the "lying position on the back with a turn" by raising the knees, then the left leg straightened and fixed to the ground in conjunction with the right knee stretching as much as possible toward the chest, then wrapped it in the opposite direction with the right hand on the floor, turning the neck and looking in its direction. The breathing should be calm and deep for 5 to 10 breaths, and repeat the same steps to the other side.

This position lengthens the muscles of the back to relieve and prevent lower back pain, lengthens the chest muscles to improve breathing, and strengthens the discs of the spine and the muscles of the lower abdomen and improves the process of digestion.

Fifth step: back exercises
Among the most important of them is the "baby position", which is one of the best relaxing positions. It helps the body to regain its strength and reduces physical and psychological stress. It also works to extend the muscles of the knees, ankles, thighs and lower back, and relax the spine, shoulders and neck.

It starts from the kneeling position with the knees kept in contact or opening them in a way that is slightly wider than the hips.

Then lower the cushion until the heel touches the feet with the torso bent downward toward the floor, extend the arms forward and place the forehead on the floor, or extend the arms back to the side of the hips so that the hands are facing upward.

And up to "the position of lying on the back with the knees attached," to massage the muscles of the back and spine, with the possibility of staying in this position for a longer period.