[Explanation] On March 28th, experts from Wuhan Lei Shenshan Hospital connected through 5G networks to popularize the basic knowledge of new crown pneumonia for nearly 600 overseas Chinese, Chinese students, and overseas workers in Chinese companies in 29 countries, and to reduce the risk of infection experience.

[Explanation] Nearly 600 people participated in the connection on the day, mainly from 15 countries including Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and Britain in Europe and 14 countries including Japan, Korea, and Thailand in Asia. They were convened by the International Business Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China organization. During the connection, a 5G network is used to realize a real-time conversation through a video conference platform.

[Explanation] Cheng Zhenshun, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, said that they are in a foreign country and are more prone to fear and anxiety in the face of the epidemic. , Guide them to face correctly and take less detours.

[Contemporary] Cheng Zhenshun, Director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University: Because we are in the middle of the epidemic, we have a lot of these experiences, or we have a lot of lessons. Medical workers, we can all provide (help). In this way, they will shorten the exploration stage in the process.

[Explanation] How to do office epidemic prevention? Are the plastic bags and items delivered to the supermarket safe on the surface? Can it be disinfected by spraying alcohol? Can industrial N95 masks be anti-virus? Can the mask be reused after being left in the sun for two or three days? Is it necessary to go out with goggles? ...... Faced with many questions, experts answer them one by one.

[Contemporary] [Contemporary] Cheng Zhenshun, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University: They built this platform for overseas Chinese to connect with them. This is one of the directions or contents of our overseas communication. Because the overseas Chinese are abroad, their anxiety and panic will be more obvious than in our country.

[Explanation] Cheng Zhenshun believes that new coronary pneumonia is highly contagious, but if the protection is in place, it is not so terrible, and most patients are curable. He reminded that if mild patients are isolated at home, they should pay attention to monitoring body temperature and body changes. Once the fever is too long, especially high fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius, symptoms such as breathing difficulties or chest tightness, etc., should be hospitalized as soon as possible to avoid becoming serious.

Reporter Zheng Ziyan reports from Hubei Wuhan

Editor-in-chief: [Song Fangcan]