• Coronavirus, Burioni: "From cardboard to plastic, this is how much it resists on objects"
  • Coronavirus, Burioni: "Very serious damage from tranquilizing messages"


March 29, 2020 "The numbers are starting to be positive but less negative, we are reaping the fruit of our behavior, as before we were reaping the fruit of our responsibility. It seems that things are slowing down. That is what we expected, we must persevere with sacrifices because they are working. We are gaining time, which is being used by hospitals to organize themselves, but also by research ". The virologist Roberto Burioni told "Che tempo che fa" on Raidue.

"Good news from the drugs sector"
"Good news is also coming from the field of drugs. There is a drug that is used as an anti-inflammatory in diseases such as arthritis and that seems to be effective and the data are quite promising. Then there is a strange surprise of a drug of the years Fifty and which was used for malaria, which is called Plaquenil, which was evaluated as very effective in inhibiting the replication of SARS coronavirus in 2005. It went by the wayside. Now we have tried to use it clinically and to experience it. There are several studies in progress, we did it at San Raffaele too ". However, the virologist specified: "The efficacy on the patients is not certain".

"The day we leave the house we will all have to wear a mask. And we must put ourselves in a position to test, not only to prove the presence of the virus, but to understand how many have contracted the virus." @ RobertoBurioni at #CTCF from @ fabfazio. # vieniamonoidavoi pic.twitter.com/Ij2GAECxRn

- Che Tempo Che Fa (@chetempochefa) March 29, 2020

"Taking a step forward in diagnostics"
"It seems that a step forward has been made in diagnostics - Burioni continued - A very serious US company has announced that it has available a test that is done in 15 minutes. Another very good news is linked" to a study relating to " use of the plasma of the healed that can improve the conditions of those who are sick ".

The virologist explained that "taking blood from the healed is not simple, but it means that the antibodies of the healed can have a beneficial effect: monoclonal antibodies can be artificially produced and if the data is confirmed between a year and something we will have monoclonal antibodies from Furthermore, if the plasma has a beneficial effect and the data is confirmed, those who have antibodies would have a certain degree of protection ".