Italy: 50 doctors died in Italy

In Europe, where the spread of the new coronavirus is widespread, serious conditions continue, with more than 10,000 deaths in Italy. There is no shortage of cases in which healthcare workers are infected, and how to protect the treatment sites is a major issue.

In Italy, the world's deadliest country, the number of people killed by the new coronavirus increased by about 900 to 12,23 on the 28th.

In Spain, the number of people who have died has increased by more than 800 compared to the previous day to 5690.

Under these circumstances, healthcare workers such as doctors and nurses have been infected one after another. In Italy, 50 infected doctors died by 27th, and in Spain, healthcare workers accounted for more than 10% of the infected people. Is occupying.

In France, where more than 30,000 people were infected, public broadcaster France2 reported on April 28 that about 40 doctors and nurses had already infected a hospital in the Seine-Saint-Denis district in northern Paris. I am.
A nurse woman said, "I was infected, but I was short of manpower and returned to the site immediately."

In these countries, the government is working to secure doctors and nurses and expand medical supplies to reduce the risk of infection, but how to protect the treatment settings is a major challenge.