China News Service, March 27. According to a report from the "Central News Agency" in Taiwan, the Taiwan Epidemic Epidemic Command Center announced on the 27th that 15 new cases of new coronary pneumonia on the island were imported overseas, and most of them studied or worked in the United States and the United Kingdom. Including 3 cluster infections, there are currently 267 cases in Taiwan.

The agency ’s commander, Chen Shizhong, announced today that 15 new cases of new coronary pneumonia on the island were imported overseas. They were 6 women and 9 men, aged between 10 and 60, and the date of entry was from March 15 to 25. The onset dates range from March 8 to 25.

Chen Shizhong said that before the onset of the case, 7 cases were active in the United States and 6 cases were in the United Kingdom, and the purpose of leaving was mostly work (8 cases) or schooling (5 cases).

Chen Shizhong said that today's new cases include three cluster events. Case 254 went to school in the United States in August 2019, and visited friends who were studying in the United States from March 5 to 19, 2020 (Case 218, which developed on March 17). At the time of entry on the 24th, the report was collected by the airport, and the diagnosis was confirmed today.

Chen Shizhong further stated that Cases 257 and 258 were studying in the same school in the United Kingdom. Case 257 became ill on March 12 and was notified by the airport when they entered on March 24. Case 258 was quarantined at home after entering the country on March 22. 3 After the onset of the month 23, the health unit arranged for medical examinations, and both were diagnosed today.

The command center pointed out that the cases 264 and 267 were a couple. They went to the United Kingdom for consultations from March 8 to 25. Both of them became ill on March 20 and 23, and were notified by the airport when they entered on March 25. He was diagnosed today.