(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) Global War Epidemic: More than 420,000 confirmed cases worldwide or the United States may become the next "epicenter"

China News Agency, Beijing, March 25. Comprehensive news: The latest data released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States shows that as of 11:30 on the 25th, Beijing time, more than 420,000 cases of new crown pneumonia were diagnosed worldwide, reaching 422,915 . There are 18,915 deaths worldwide.

Data show that in addition to China, countries with more than 10,000 confirmed cases are Italy, the United States, Spain, Germany, Iran and France. The epidemic has spread to more than 160 countries and regions around the world.

As of 11:30 on the 25th Beijing time, the number of confirmed cases in the United States rose to 55,148. World Health Organization spokesman Gerrit Harris told the media on the 24th that the United States may become the next "epicenter" of the new crown epidemic. Earlier, Harris said in a telephone interview that 85% of the new global increase in cases came from European countries and the United States, of which 40% came from the United States.

As of 18:00 on the 24th local time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Italy rose to 69,176, with 6,820 deaths and 8,326 cured cases. Italian Prime Minister Conte said on the same day that the cabinet has passed a new decree that fines 400 to 3,000 euros for those who violate the government's "citadel" order. The new decree also empowers district chairmen to have the power to implement stricter control measures in their districts when necessary. Conte said that the "city closure" measures will be implemented until April 3.

The French Directorate General of Health Salomon said on the 24th that the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in France rose to 22,300 and the number of deaths was 1,100. Salomon said that the French epidemic is "rapidly deteriorating" and that 10,176 people are currently being treated in hospitals. According to a new law published on the official French gazette website on the 24th, France will enter a "health emergency" with a deadline of two months. According to the law, in order to fight the epidemic, the government can restrict or prohibit people's travel, adopt isolation measures, restrict assembly activities, and order the temporary closure of enterprises and institutions.

Indian Prime Minister Modi addressed the country at 8 pm local time on the 24th, announcing that India will implement a total blockade of 21 days from 00:00 on the 25th. Modi said that he hopes that the people can work with the government to complete the 21-day curfew, otherwise the whole country of India will fall back for 21 years due to the epidemic. The national blockade of the next 21 days is crucial to India's future.

The latest statistics released by the Korean Disease Management Division on the 25th show that from 00:00 to 00:00 on the 24th local time, 100 new cases of new coronary pneumonia were diagnosed in South Korea, of which 34 were imported cases overseas, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the country was 9137. example.

The outbreak in the Middle East has also continued to spread, with tens of thousands of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia. In Iran, where the epidemic was most severe in the region, as of noon on the 24th, there were 1,762 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the country, a new high in the country in a single day, and a total of 24,811 confirmed cases, of which 1,934 died and 8913 were cured. Israel ’s Ministry of Health also said on the 24th that 488 new cases of new crown pneumonia were diagnosed that day, the largest single-day increase since the outbreak in the country.

Many countries in the Middle East have adopted stricter measures to deal with the spread of the epidemic. Egyptian Prime Minister Madbuli announced that a 15-day curfew will be implemented nationwide from the 25th; Saudi King Salman previously issued an order requiring the country to impose a curfew for 21 days from the 23rd; Syria from the 25th A curfew was imposed throughout the country, during which all commercial activities were suspended; Algerian President Teben ordered a curfew in the capital Algiers on the 23rd, from 7 pm to 9 am the following day, local residents must not go out without special reasons; the House of Bahrain voted on the 24th A proposal to implement a partial curfew has been passed and will be submitted to the government for approval. The proposal stipulates that from 6 pm to 5 am the following day, people are prohibited from going out unless work is required.

Facing the spread of the new crown epidemic worldwide, Saudi Arabia ’s rotating chairman, the G20, issued a statement on the evening of the 24th, saying that a special summit of the G20 leaders will be held by video conference on the 26th to promote global coordination to respond to the new crown pneumonia epidemic. And its impact on the economy and society.

The statement said that in addition to the leaders of G20 member countries, leaders from Spain, Jordan, Singapore and Switzerland will be invited to attend.

In addition, representatives of regional organizations such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the African Union, the Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council, the New Partnership for Africa's Development, and leaders of international organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc. The summit. (Finish)