- We have a general spread of infection in Sweden. Life, health and jobs are threatened. More will be sick, more will have to say a final goodbye to a loved one.

There was no news in the speech, but Löfven was clear that the Swedish population should be prepared for more intervention decisions to come. Decisions that may affect citizens' everyday lives more and which may come at short notice.

"Keeping our country up"

He also highlighted the people who are now particularly important in the crisis:

- Our authorities are struggling day and night. Staff in health care, school and many, many other people with important occupations support our country.

Stefan Löfven also said that the goal of the government's work is to limit the spread of infection, so that not many people will be seriously ill at the same time, but also to secure resources for health care and mitigate the consequences for those who work and for Swedish companies.

"Stay home"

The Prime Minister also appealed to the individual responsibilities of individual citizens:

- There will be a few crucial moments in life when you have to make sacrifices not only for your own sake, but also to take responsibility for your surroundings, for your people, and for our country. Each of us has a responsibility to prevent the spread of infection, to protect the elderly and other risk groups, Löfven said.

Stefan Löfven urged anyone with symptoms to stay home and follow the advice of the authorities.

- I know that the demands placed are great. But that's only so we can keep the spread of infection down.

Something that also applies to all risk groups.

- I understand that it is frustrating to have to limit your life, your social contacts, but it is necessary right now. For your own health, of course, but also to protect other people and to give the healthcare an opportunity to cope with the situation.