The company Arteferro Scandinavia in Norrköping usually works with railings and the like, but on Wednesday a couple of employees discussed the coronas center. They had heard about the visions that nurses have and the safe distance between people who are recommended:

- Then we came to this with the fact that cashiers in cashiers are exposed tremendously, says Stefan Tollin, one of those who came on the product.

The day after, they had designed a plexiglass cover and put it to the test in a grocery store in the Ljura district of Norrköping and many have already heard from those interested in the protection:

- Yes, we can see what happens, but we have the capacity to produce 800 shelters a day, says Stefan Tollin.

The employees at the shop seem to like the Plexiglass plate:

- It feels very good this, now it does nothing when customers cough, says treasurer Annika Spång.