According to a BVA survey for Europe 1 and Orange, French morale is declining slightly as the first weekend of confinement linked to the spread of the coronavirus ends. In addition, the rate of confidence in the government's ability to manage this health crisis lost 3 points in 24 hours.

After the first week of confinement, the first closed weekend is also coming to an end. The French, since Tuesday March 18 at noon, have been called to stay at home to deal with the epidemic of coronavirus which affects the country. In this context, morale is weakening according to a BVA poll for Europe 1 and Orange published on Sunday evening.

For the first time since the implementation of these surveys, mid-week, the morale of the French declined slightly. The average rating goes to 6/10, compared to 6.1 previously. In detail, it is the proportion of "very optimistic" individuals that decreases. The marks of 9 or 10/10 have indeed lost 2 points (10% against 12%).

>> LIVE - Follow the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic Sunday March 22

Some indicators are improving

In addition to low morale, concern is growing. The poll on Saturday established that 75% of French people believed that the worst of the health crisis was to come. They are now 79% to position themselves in this direction, 4 points more compared to Saturday and 9 points more compared to the first poll on Wednesday. This concern is shared by the whole population even if it appears less marked among those under 35 (68%) and, conversely, more acute among French people aged 50 and over (84%).


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As for the management of the crisis by the government, there again, the figures are not favorable. The doubts are confirmed since only 43% of French people declare themselves confident regarding the way the government manages the crisis, that is 3 points less than on Saturday and 12 points less than during the first measurement.

Some indicators are improving, however, such as the proportion of parents who telecommute 63% who declare that it is easy to take care of their children (+7 points) or the confidence in the atmosphere between members of the household. in the coming weeks (73%, +2). It remains to be seen whether these improvements will last beyond the weekend.

Comparison with Italy and the United Kingdom

According to a BVA survey carried out in other European countries, which allows a comparison between France and its neighbors, the perception of European citizens also varies significantly depending on the "phase" of the health crisis in their country.

For example, the fear of contamination for oneself or a family member is 76% in France and 78% in the United Kingdom. But in Italy, where the situation is catastrophic, the figure climbs to 90%.

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In the same way, if 79% of the French believe that the worst is to come, they are "only" 43% of Italians to share this opinion, the peak of the epidemic having certainly passed among the Transalpins.

Finally, with regard to the restriction of freedoms to stem the spread of Covid-19, again, there are discrepancies. Immersed in the heart of the crisis, 93% of Italians say they are ready to sacrifice some of their rights if this helps limit the spread of the virus. For the moment, the French (84%) and especially the British (72%) are slightly less numerous to share this opinion.