
March 22, 2020 The list of activities that will continue to remain open after the new squeeze to contain the coronavirus epidemic is composed of a hundred items.

The annex to the Dpcm specifies that activities related to families, from domestic workers to cohabiting carers, to concierges in condominiums, will continue to be permitted.

The entire food chain for drinks and food, that of medical and health devices and pharmaceuticals and, among the services, those of call centers will remain in operation. The list could be updated by Mise decree, after hearing the MEF.

The activities of extraction of oil and gas, the manufacture of textile, technical and industrial articles, the wholesale trade of tobacco products, transport, postal and courier services, hotel activities, communication services also do not stop. and information, legal and accounting activities, architectural and engineering studies, security services, computer repair and maintenance activities, repair activities for household appliances and household items.