During this first week of confinement, nearly 100,000 offenses were identified by the Interior Ministry on Sunday. The latter calls on the population to respect the rules to fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

A total of 91,824 breaches of breach of containment have been reported by law enforcement since the implementation of this measure Tuesday at noon, said Sunday Alain Thirion, director general of civil security and management of fits. Containment was put in place to combat the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

>> LIVE - Follow the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic Sunday March 22

For this day alone this Sunday, 22,574 verbalizations were drawn up, added Alain Thirion during a joint press point with Professor Jérôme Salomon, Director General of Health (DGS). Since Tuesday, 1,738,907 checks have been carried out by the police in France. This Sunday, police and gendarmes carried out about 375,000 checks.

1,500 euros fine for repeat offenders

The prefect Thirion recalled that with the adoption of the health emergency bill, the sanctions will be reinforced in the event of recurrence. "In the event of recurrence within 15 days, the fine of 135 euros is raised to 1,500 euros," argued Alain Thirion.


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In the case of four violations in thirty days, non-compliance with confinement will become an offense punishable by a fine of 3,700 euros and six months in prison. The text adopted by parliamentarians also authorizes municipal police to verbalize violators of the confinement rules.

France counted Sunday evening 674 deaths in hospitals and 7.240 people hospitalized because of the coronavirus, announced Jérôme Salomon, director general of Health (DGS).