
by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea March 22, 2020 Twelve cases of positivity to Coronavirus were found at the Civil Protection Department in Rome, in fact some employees of the Department tested positive at Covid-19.

The news was released by the Head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli who informed all the staff on duty.

After receiving the news of the first positive case, the Department - he explains - immediately set up checks on the personnel considered among the closest contacts of the positive employee: "Unfortunately, eleven other positive people result from this screening. The Head of the Department is buffer negative result. "

The Department assures that: "All the envisaged protection procedures have been initiated and sanitization activities have been carried out in the workplace. To protect all those who work in the two offices of the Department in Rome, further provisions have been made for carrying out the indispensable work in smart working mode and to limit the presence of staff as much as possible both in the offices of Via Vitorchiano and Via Ulpiano ".

The meetings of the Operating Committee will continue daily through the videoconference connection: "The measures taken, oriented towards the protection of all personnel, will in any case ensure the usual operation of the entire Department of Civil Protection" - underlines the note of the Civil Protection - "It is useful specify that none of the people who tested positive ever took part in Dr. Borrelli's daily press conferences ". In any case, "tomorrow will be defined new ways of accessing the Department's press room".

In his communication to the staff, the Head of Department thanked all the employees "for the extraordinary effort made to overcome the emergency and for the activity provided for the benefit of the community".