, March 17. The latest report from the World Health Organization shows that the total number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia outside China has exceeded 85,000. The epidemic situation in Europe is still very serious. Italy has added more than 3,000 cases for several consecutive days, and France and the West announced the closure of the border. The United States has accumulated more than 4,000 confirmed cases and the US stocks have melted again. At the same time, the epidemic has spread in many countries in Asia and Africa.

Over 13,000 new cases per day outside China

WHO calls on countries to strengthen testing

According to the latest report released by the WHO on the 16th, as of 10:00 on the 16th Central European Time (17:00 on the 16th Beijing time), the number of newly diagnosed cases of new coronary pneumonia outside China increased by 13,874 from the previous day to 86,434; the number of deaths was higher than the previous An increase of 848 cases a day, reaching 3388 cases.

Data map: Tan Desai, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Photo by China Press Agency Peng Dawei

The report states that the cumulative number of newly diagnosed cases of new coronary pneumonia outside China has surpassed China. Currently, a total of 151 countries and regions outside China have confirmed cases.

WHO Director-General Tan Desai said at the outbreak briefing on the 16th that the rapid escalation of social isolation measures has helped reduce transmission and enable the health system to cope with the situation. He also said that the most effective way to prevent infection and save lives is to break the chain of transmission. To do this, they must be detected and isolated.

Tan Desai called on countries to "test, test, and test again. Test every suspected case."

European epidemic situation remains severe

Italy continues to increase by more than 3,000 cases, multiple countries control borders

The Italian Ministry of Emergency Civil Defense and the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic News Center reported that as of 6 pm local time on March 16th, there were 3233 new confirmed cases of New Coronary Pneumonia nationwide, with a total of 27980 confirmed cases and 2158 deaths. The country has added more than 3,000 cases for several consecutive days. Italian Prime Minister Conte said that the new crown epidemic is the most severe challenge facing Italy in recent decades.

On March 15, local time, Paris, France was at the highest stage (third stage) in the prevention of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. The Arc de Triomphe, a landmark of Paris, was closed from the same day until further notice. Photo by Li Yang, China News Agency

Statistics from the French public health department show that as of 15:00 local time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in France rose to 6,633, including 148 deaths. The mayor of Nice, France, Esteros was diagnosed with the infection. French President Macron said on the 16th that for the epidemic prevention, France will close the border from March 17.

The latest data released by the Spanish Ministry of Health on the 16th showed that the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia nationwide reached 9,191 cases, an increase of 1438 cases over the previous day, which is the single day increase of more than 1,000 cases in Spain for four consecutive days. The chairman of the Madrid Autonomous Region was also found infected with the new crown virus that day.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Spanish Interior Minister announced that Spain will officially block the land border from 00:00 on the 17th local time, and only those who have Spanish nationality and long-term residents of the country will be allowed to enter.

The British Ministry of Health said that as of 9 am on the 16th local time, a total of 1,543 cases have been confirmed in the UK. A total of 6012 cases were diagnosed in Germany, and border controls were implemented on five neighboring countries, including Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and Denmark. A total of 1,680 diagnoses have been confirmed in Switzerland, including 14 deaths. The President of the Swiss Confederation declared that the country was in an "abnormal state".

In addition, the Monaco government announced on social media on the 16th that the head of the government of Monaco and the Minister of State, Tyre, have tested positive for the virus. The Government of Monaco said that Tyre is currently showing "few symptoms" and that he is now self-isolated and engaged in various official activities at home.

Trump says considers measures such as isolation

U.S. stocks melt down for the third time this month, first volunteer to get vaccinated

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 6:33 on the 17th, Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in the United States has reached 4,464, with 78 deaths.

U.S. President Trump announced more stringent guidelines on epidemic prevention on the 16th, recommending that Americans avoid gathering more than 10 people in the next 15 days, avoid dining in restaurants and bars, and avoid visiting relatives and friends.

Trump said the U.S. government is ready to take any necessary measures. According to the current situation, it may be considered to take measures such as quarantine and curfew in "hot spots", but it is not considered to be implemented nationwide. He said the epidemic could last until July or August, and "hopefully it will end soon and return to normal."

On the 16th, the US Department of Defense said that 37 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia had been reported. To prevent the outbreak, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Deputy Minister David Noquist will be quarantined.

On March 12, local time, a masked citizen walked past the New York Stock Exchange. Photo by Liao Pan of China News Agency

After the Federal Reserve announced an emergency rate cut, on the 16th, the three major US stock indexes closed sharply lower. The S & P 500 closed down nearly 12%, and fell more than 8% in early trading, triggering the third fuse this month and the fourth in history. The Dow closed down nearly 3,000 points, the lowest in three years, the largest drop in history, and the largest one-day drop since October 1987.

On the other hand, the National Institutes of Health started the first clinical trial of a new crown virus prevention vaccine. The first volunteer was vaccinated at the Caesars Hospital Institute in Seattle. U.S. public health officials said 45 young healthy volunteers will participate in clinical trials and inject different doses of the agent. The vaccine test process can take up to 18 months.

Asian-African epidemic shows differentiation

New cases in Japan and South Korea are stable, and the Middle East and Africa are not optimistic

On March 16, local time, the South Korean Central Epidemic Prevention Headquarters reported that as of 00:00 that day, the cumulative number of newly diagnosed infections in Korea ’s new crown pneumonia rose to 8,236, an increase of 74 from the previous day, and the number of new cases for two consecutive days remained at two Digits.

As of 10:30 pm on the 16th local time, 17 new cases of new coronary pneumonia were confirmed on the day in Japan, with a total of 835 confirmed cases, including 28 deaths.

At the same time, the outbreak in the Middle East and Africa is not optimistic.

According to the Iranian National News Agency, on the 16th local time, a spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Health said that in the past day, 1053 new cases of new coronary pneumonia were infected in Iran. The total number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the country increased to 14,991 and 853 people died.

With the exception of Iran, there have been more than 100 confirmed cases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq and other countries.

In Africa, as of 24:00, March 16, Beijing time, 408 cases of new coronary pneumonia have been confirmed on the African continent, involving 30 countries.

To prevent the spread of the epidemic, many African countries are taking active measures to respond.

Equatorial Guinea announced the suspension of all international passenger flights, the issuance of various visas, the restriction of domestic personnel movements, etc. from the 15th; the Namibian government decided to suspend all large-scale assemblies for 30 days; Rwanda has announced the closure of national schools for two weeks; Senegal has announced the ban on public assemblies , Closed the school for 3 weeks, canceled the 60th anniversary of independence, and temporarily banned cruise ships from docking in the country's ports.