"A fighter who died on the battlefield": Roberto Stella, the president-president of the Varese Medical Association, killed by the coronavirus. Saverio Chiaravalle, the head of the San Donato emergency room and his great friend, manages to get away from the patients just a few minutes and remember who Stella was. He was not only the esteemed colleague and president of the Order, but above all a general practitioner. Who visited the patients until the end.

"He died as a hero, as he was in everyday life, especially with his patients. We had recently met in late February and I had recommended that he slow down, take more care of himself, and he had responded as usual. We called ourselves "brother". And on that occasion he also said to me: 'Brother, we are here to work and fight.' And he did it to the end. "

Family and duty

The news of the death of Roberto Stella, 67, came at dawn on Wednesday from the Sant'Anna hospital in Como. His condition seemed to have stabilized after being admitted to the intensive care unit last Friday, although then it deteriorated rapidly overnight.

General practitioner, among the positions he held was also that of member of the National Observatory of Training in General Medicine and expert of the Higher Council of Health. As soon as the news came, the message of condolence also came from colleagues in the provincial order: “The National and Lombard Health Service, the National Medicine and Varese Medicine have lost a careful guide, a safe friend, a worker passionate, sharp and tireless; her patients have lost a friend and a man capable of caring and healing without limits ». Married with two children, Roberto Stella lived in Busto Arsizio, where he worked in a shared medical practice with other colleagues, one of whom, like him, tested positive for coronavirus.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Infectious diseases
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Italy

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