• Coronavirus.Madrid limits visits to all nursing homes
  • Covid-19. Closed the centers of elderly in Madrid to prevent contagion

The Community of Madrid has decreed on Monday the closure of nurseries, colleges and universities both public and private throughout the region to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The measure will be applied as of Wednesday and will last at least until March 30.

The regional government has taken this decision after the official number of infected people has tripled from 202 to 578 and the number of deaths has gone from eight to 17 in just 24 hours . According to the Ministry of Health, all fatalities presented "previous pathologies."

The measures adopted on Monday are added to the closure of the 213 senior leisure centers in the Community of Madrid agreed on Friday, considering that there was an "imminent and extraordinary risk to public health . " Also, on Sunday the limitation of visits to nursing homes to "strictly necessary" was announced.

At the school level, the Ministry of Education last week sent a circular to the centers with a series of tips to extend the spread of the virus, such as "maximize hand washing" and cover your nose and mouth Sneezing In the case of children and young people in contact with detected cases, it was recommended that they avoid the agglomerations of people, such as mass events, and the use of collective means of transport at peak times.

Since Monday, in addition, the nurses of the health centers carry out telephone follow-up of those infected by Covid-19 who carry out isolated quarantine in their homes with mild symptoms. If the clinical condition requires the assistance, it has the support of the patient's family doctor.

The Community of Madrid has enabled a toll-free number, 900 102 112 , for people who believe they may have coronaviruses. To avoid its transmission in the emergency rooms of the hospitals, it is the Summa 112 professionals who come to the homes to take samples in the presence of suspicious cases and send them to the laboratories authorized for their study.

The closure of schools in the region has been agreed in an extraordinary Government Council convened this afternoon by the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. Subsequently, he has communicated the decision to the spokespersons of all the groups represented in the Vallecas Assembly.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Madrid's community

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