
Things are getting worse outside the country, especially in Europe and the Middle East. In Italy, more than 1,400 people were confirmed in a single day, with a cumulative number of 7,375 people.

Reporter Kim Hak-hui reports.


Sunday Vatican Saint Peter's Square. There's usually no space for footsteps by crowds, but there's more vacancy on this day.

This is because we replaced the three types of Sunday prayers with internet live broadcasts to prevent people from gathering.

Pope Francis: The prayer of the pope in the library is a bit strange today.]

In Italy, 1,492 confirmed corona19 surged in one day, with cumulative cumulative 7,375 and 366 deaths.

It is the second largest in the world after China with more than 7,313 cumulative confirmers in Korea. The death to death ratio, or mortality rate, is 4.96%.

The Italian government has restricted travel to all of northern Lombardia and its 14 nearby regions where Milan is located. It also temporarily closed entertainment facilities including theaters, museums and ski resorts across the country.

The spread in Europe is clearer, with more than 1,100 confirmed doctors in France and more than 900 Germans.

Iran, the world's largest spreader, also has more than 6,500 cumulative confirmations and 194 deaths.

In Southeast Asia, where there are few confirmations, the number of confirmations is increasing rapidly. In Vietnam, in particular, 10 confirmed patients were added to one day yesterday, and all 30 were increased.