Guests in New Zealand received wedding invitations a few days ago even though they were placed in the mailbox in December, and guests have thus received invitations more than a month after the ceremony. Anne-Marie Corkery was instructed to send wedding invitations to attend her son's wedding in "Southern Steel", which was held in mid-February, and when a female relative called at the end of January to ask about her invitation to attend the wedding, Corkery realized that the invitations had not been delivered, and she says "It was The process is incredibly cumbersome, and I initially thought that I forgot to send it, then I had to call everyone and confirm whether they would come or not », and the guests actually came to the wedding, because the groom's mother called them individually.

"It was very messy and embarrassing for me," she added, adding, "I know that I was late for wedding invitations, due to birthdays, and with some delay I thought the invitations would reach the guests in January." And after two and a half months, friends and family received the invitations.

The mother of the groom said that the invitations were sent with a priority stamp, however she was late and did not arrive before the wedding date in mid-February. And the mother says that the postal service is very poor, "I don't think these (mail) boxes have been opened since December."

The New Zealand Post did not respond to the complaints, but in a statement, the spokeswoman said that an investigation into what had happened was ongoing, and she apologized for what had happened, explaining that it was "not the service that we and the public expect."

The invitations were sent with the priority stamp, however, they were late and did not arrive before the wedding in mid-February.