San Francisco (AFP)

Twitter launched on Wednesday in Brazil a test phase of "fleets", messages that disappear after 24 hours and cannot be shared or "liked", a format similar to the "stories" of Snapchat and other social networks .

"We hope the fleets will help people share their fleeting thoughts (fleeting, in English, editor's note) that they might not have wanted to tweet," said Kayvon Beykpour, group product manager, on the network.

"This is a substantial change, so we are very happy to test it, see how our customers use it and learn from it," he added, adding that the deployment was starting Wednesday in Brazil only.

He admitted that this format was very similar to "stories", the visual thumbnails, usually with a photo or video, that remain visible for only 24 hours.

They were created by Snapchat in 2013, and then copied to different Facebook platforms, such as Instagram, and, more recently, to LinkedIn (Microsoft).

"People often tell us that they are not comfortable because anyone can react in public to their tweets or because there is this aspect of permanence and performance (how many + do I like + and + retweets + will I get?) ", detailed Kayvon Beykpour, also co-founder of Periscope, a live video application acquired by Twitte in 2015.

The "fleets" will be visible by clicking on the avatar, and users can only react to them by private message.

Unless, of course, take a screenshot of the "fleet" which can be shared both on Twitter and on any other platform.

The twitter network had acquired in February Chroma Labs, a story creation application founded in particular by John Barnett, who had created the "Boomerang" (loop videos) functionality for Instagram.

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