Millions of Americans voted in 14 states on "Super Tuesday" to nominate the Democratic candidate to face Donald Trump in the next presidential election. Initial estimates indicate that Joe Biden, who was killed politically a few weeks ago, leads in eight states.

Joe Biden finds colors: the former vice president reaped Tuesday a series of victories during the "Super Tuesday" during which several million Americans voted in 14 states to nominate their preferred democratic candidate to face Donald Trump. "It is encouraging, we are optimistic", launched, from Los Angeles, the former vice-president of Barack Obama, arrived before his great rival, Bernie Sanders, in eight states, according to first estimates: Virginie, Caroline du North, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, Minnesota and Massachusetts, stronghold of candidate Elizabeth Warren. Other results are yet to come.

Bernie Sanders remains confident, a failure for Bloomberg

For Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, it was a huge loss in the middle of a failed evening, where she often came in third or fourth. Bernie Sanders won Utah, Colorado, Vermont. The Vermont senator who claims to be "socialist" was likely to prevail in California, a crucial state in terms of the number of delegates. Arch-favorite a few weeks ago, Bernie Sanders hammered, faithful to combative style, his certainty of reaching the final victory. "I tell you with absolute confidence: we are going to win the Democratic primary and we are going to beat the most dangerous president in the history of this country", he launched before an enthusiastic crowd, multiplying the spikes towards his rival without ever naming him.

"It's a Biden wave, materialized in states where it had to be swept away," analyzes Jean-Eric Branaa, a specialist in the United States. Joe Biden would be competing for first place in Maine, or even in Texas where Bernie Sanders was easily won. For billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who entered the fray on the occasion of this "Super Tuesday", it was a failure. "He did not succeed in winning this campaign even if he will have a hundred delegates, it is really too limited to continue, we expect him to resign today", decrypts the specialist. Far behind his opponents, he has in particular obtained mediocre results in Virginia, an emblematic state in which he had invested heavily.

The next two "Super Tuesday" should be favorable to candidate Joe Biden.

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