China News Service, March 3. According to a report by Taiwan ’s “Central News Agency”, Taiwan ’s “Outbreak Command Center” announced today that Taiwan has newly added a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia, which is the accompaniment of women in the same ward and in different wards in the northern hospital. Family members. There are currently 42 confirmed cases on the island. A total of 7 people were gathered in the hospital.

The "Outbreak Command Center" stated that Case 42 had no recent domestic or overseas travel history. On February 23, he went to the clinic for general burnout and coughing. On March 1, the health unit conducted follow-up and inspection of patients at risk and accompanying patients. The case was found to have respiratory symptoms, and then a medical examination report was arranged and a negative pressure isolation ward was admitted. The diagnosis was confirmed today.

The "Outbreak Command Center" said that Case 42 was accompanied during the hospitalization of his family from February 17 to 24. After preliminary investigation by the health unit, cases 36 and 37 (caregivers) were diagnosed on February 21-23. Care for the 42 family members, of which case 36 has had brief contact with case 42 and case 37 has not contacted case 42, which will further clarify the possible source of infection in case 42.

As for this group, 295 contacts have been mastered so far, and 247 have been collected, of which 6 were positive (cases 35 to 38 and 41, 42), 206 were negative, and the rest were under examination.