US President Donald Trump held a phone conversation with the head of the Taliban's political bureau, Mullah Abdul Ghani Pradar, days after the two sides signed an agreement in Doha for peace in Afghanistan.

Trump told reporters at the White House on Tuesday that the conversation was very good, noting that the two sides had agreed to renounce violence.

For his part, Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, said on Twitter that "the President of the United States Trump had a telephone conversation with the distinguished political representative of the Islamic Emirate, Mullah Pradar Akhund."

Mujahid added in other statements reported by "Reuters" agency that the conversation lasted for more than thirty minutes, and said that Mullah Pradar told the US President that if the United States respects the peace agreement with the movement, the two sides will have positive bilateral relations in the future.

Trump was quoted as telling Mullah Pradar that he was happy to speak to him, "and he knows he is fighting for his land," adding that the US president told him that the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan is in everyone's interest.

According to the spokesman, Trump told Mullah Pradar - who is also the Taliban's deputy leader for political affairs - that he would ask his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to contact Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to overcome obstacles to the Afghan dialogue.