The World Health Organization has provided medical supplies and equipment to Iran as part of its efforts to contain the emerging Corona virus "Covid 19", with support from the United Arab Emirates.

An Emirates Air Force plane transported 7.5 tons of supplies from Dubai International Humanitarian City to Dubai today.

The International City for Humanitarian Services in Dubai has packaged and shipped supplies that include hundreds of thousands of gloves, surgical masks and related materials that will help about 15,000 people and health care workers in Iran.
The city is considered the largest logistics center for humanitarian services and relief materials in the world.
The shipment includes laboratory diagnostic tools that will be used to test thousands of people and will support efforts to control the virus.
The Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for International Development Affairs Sultan Al Shamsi said in a statement to the Emirates News Agency "WAM" .. The UAE is carrying out this important task in cooperation with the World Health Organization and the International City for Humanitarian Services, which is among the most important centers of humanitarian services in the world.

"The geographical location of the United Arab Emirates allows easy access to more than 100 countries covering two thirds of the world's population ... We take advantage of this privilege to support people affected by various crises and this task is part of the UAE aid policy to support Corona virus patients to ensure control of the spread of the disease and to develop plans The necessary strategy and precaution.

Al Shamsi said, while supervising the loading of supplies to the Air Force plane at Al Maktoum International Airport .. "The UAE is in solidarity with all those affected around the world and will continue to support victims and those affected by crises and humanitarian emergencies in cooperation with the international community."

For his part, Acting Regional Director of Emergency Emergency Richard Brennan at the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean ... confirmed that the organization could not do this task without the support of the UAE.

"Iran has reported the largest number of HIV infections in the Middle East, and medical supplies will help it contain the virus," he said.

He added, "This partnership is extremely important to tackle this crisis and we appreciate the support of the UAE in this task."