As of 22:00 local time on February 28th in Japan, a total of 938 cases of new coronary pneumonia were confirmed in Japan, and a total of 11 deaths were due to new coronary pneumonia.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association television station, on the 28th, Japan newly diagnosed 19 patients with new crown pneumonia in Hokkaido, Osaka Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, and a total of 219 Japanese and Chinese tourists in Japan; "Diamond A total of 705 confirmed diagnoses were made on the "Princess" cruise ship; a total of 14 confirmed returns were returned by charter flights from Wuhan.

On the 28th, a male patient with neonatal pneumonia in his 70s who died in Wakayama Prefecture. Two other people who had been infected with the new crown pneumonia on the "Diamond Princess" cruise died on the same day. One was a woman in her 70s who lived in Tokyo, and the other was an Englishman. (Liu Junguo)