At 1 p.m., in “La France bouge”, Raphaëlle Duchemin and the editorial staff of Europe 1 tour France with positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health… they work across the country to move the lines and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities who are committed and invent the world of tomorrow? Inspirational portraits and testimonies.

Coach: F abrice Marsella , director of the Village by CA Paris

The solution presented by Elisabeth Assayag

- Patricia Ruelleux , co-founder Exit friends Application that connects women to each other so that they can organize activities, launch outings and find friends near them, where they want and when they want.


- Tara Heuzé , president and founder of Elementary Rules, the first French association to fight against menstrual precariousness

- Ondine Beccaria , Gina project manager, company that wants to break the rules and brand of pads and towels in organic cotton

- Gaële Le Noane , creator of the start-up Marguerite et cie, patented a distributor of free and organic hygienic protections installed in schools, universities and businesses

It's going well for them

- Marie-Anne Cantin , cheese maturer of Marie-Anne Cantin, cheese maturer of tradition in Paris since 1950