• US elections, the first time in Bloomberg among the dem: if I win I sell the company


February 20, 2020All against Michael Bloomberg in the ninth debate among the democratic candidates who vie for the nomination of the party for the race to the White House. But the former New York mayor ignores the attacks and keeps his focus on Donald Trump. "I think there are two issues we face: one and how to beat Donald Trump and the other is who can do the job once in the White House. I think I'm the candidate who can do both of these things," he said. the former mayor of New York. The rivals accused Bloomberg of wanting to buy the nomination by sound of commercials, of sexist comments and of having favored abuses by the police by supporting the searches without warrant. "I am spending money to beat Donald Trump - insisted Bloomberg - the worst president we have ever had. I can do it. And if I did it would be a great contribution for America and for my children".

Bloomberg struggles to defend himself from the barrage of attacks, especially from accusations of discriminating against minorities with the 'stop and frisk' policy when he was mayor of New York. The billionaire recalled that he apologized and explained that he had used that practice to combat the high number of murders and reduced it when he got out of control. But Warren recalled that it was actually a court that blocked the stop and frisk, calling it unconstitutional. Applause. Bloomberg was later accused by Biden of not supporting Obamacare, but the former mayor claimed otherwise.