A man threw himself into the Loire at the wheel of his car - Gendarmerie du Calvados

The firefighters reported that the man came back up "on his own". It is in fact thanks to the courageous action of a passer-by, and not just any one, that he made it out alive. Monday, the Calvados gendarmerie wanted to pay tribute to one of its soldiers, via a message posted on its Facebook page. Their communications officer indeed rescued a depressed man, who had thrown himself into the Loire with his car in Pellerin (Loire-Atlantique) ten days ago.

👮‍♂️ # Heros 🦹‍
We share this act of courage and bravery from Captain Briand, com officer of the @Gendarmerie du #Calvados who did not hesitate for a second to rescue a depressed person who had thrown himself into a river with his car! Https: //t.co/Y1FhRdQ55n#gendarme pic.twitter.com/IOsl9IddfT

- Prefect of Calvados (@ Prefet14) February 18, 2020

The gendarme took advantage of a permission to walk on the banks. Alerted by passers-by, he saw a submerged car, from which the driver, "in shock", had managed to get out to get on the roof. Despite the strong current and water at 10 ° C, the officer decided to use a boat moored nearby.

The gendarmerie says that he was able to quickly obtain the pontoon access code, then paddled to the victim, who was trying to swim to the mainland. The man, in hypothermia but safe, was taken care of by the firefighters.


Nantes: Teenager jumps into the Loire to escape the police, firefighters recover him

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  • Rescue
  • Gendarmerie