Former NY Mayor of Bloomberg to attend TV debate for the first time US Presidential election February 19 5:48

Opposition party Democratic candidate for US presidential election, millionaire former Bloomberg mayor New York City will be the first to participate in a television debate on Tuesday. Although Bloomberg has been running late, he is quickly gaining support for his strategy of spending a lot of money and running ads, and the controversy has been spotlighted.

Opposition party A former New York Mayor of Bloomberg, who has been calling for a Democratic presidential candidate, said on Tuesday that he had met the poll's approval rating for a TV debate, and western Nevada on Tuesday. Has revealed that he will be attending a debate in Las Vegas.

This is the first time that Bloomberg, who announced his candidacy late in November last year, will be participating in a television debate, and a camp official said in a statement, "We have defeated President Trump and united the United States. I'm looking forward to showing you the best candidate to do this. "

Millionaire Bloomberg, who owns a huge amount of assets worth about 6 trillion yen in Japanese yen, has said that it has invested $ 400 million in television and Internet advertising and 43 billion yen in Japanese yen so far. It has been reported that the popularity of the US has risen to third place on average, according to various opinion polls.

However, other candidates, including Senator Sanders, who are on the left, are increasingly criticizing that they are "buying the elections for money," and it is expected that intense debate will take place in the debate on the 19th.