Emmanuel Macron was in Mulhouse on Tuesday as part of a trip devoted to the fight against radicalization and "Islamist separatism", during which he announced several new measures. "Strong responses", greets Aurélien Taché with the miro of Europe 1.


The head of state was on Tuesday in Bourtzwiller, a sensitive suburb of Mulhouse to unveil his plan to fight radicalization and "Islamist separatism". He announced in particular that France would gradually stop welcoming "seconded imams" sent by other countries, such as Turkey and Algeria, while increasing the number of imams trained in France, and that it would be also ended the reception of some 300 "chanters" received each year during the Ramadan period.

Invited Tuesday evening from Europe 1, LREM deputy from Val d'Oise Aurélien Taché praised the president's "strong responses". "Separatist projects, especially Islamist ones, are no longer welcome on our territory," he said.

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