With 24 million books sold in 60 countries, Camilla Läckberg belongs to the Nordic decker elite. But there is one topic she has avoided writing about until recently: six.

- It has been challenging, because it is difficult to write about sex in a good way, she says in Skavlan.

- Before I made it easy for me, wrote that "the lamp goes out" and the rest you had to think for yourself.

Embarrassing to write about sex

Now Camilla Läckberg is glad that she has left the safety zone and dared to write about the subject.

- What has stopped me is that it has felt embarrassing and that I imagined my mother reading my books.

See the interview with Camilla Läckberg in the clip above. The album will be broadcast on Friday, February 14, and can be viewed on SVT Play from 17:00 on Friday.