A fire station, northern Italy, has become a subject of controversy recently; and although it was built 10 years ago, it gets more attention after someone compares it to a "bad hideout". However, the place looks like a private sanctuary in times of emergency, as it was built inside a cave, to resemble a bunker in the movie "James Bond". Due to the strict restrictions imposed on developers, due to the scarcity of land in the Alps, experts in this field have come up with an innovative solution.

In fact, the beautiful fire station was built in a small Italian town to respond to field and forest fires, in this alpine region, where land is particularly scarce, so the local community decided that it was better to build the station on a 300-foot slope cliff. In order to implement the project, the residents of the small town of Margred, hired an architecture company in northern Italy, with offices in Italy and Austria.

The company excavated three caves and linked them with intersecting tunnels, making two of them to be vehicles for fire engines, while the third works as a management for the fire station. The building design not only looks great, it is also very comfortable, because the mountain provides a natural isolation of the building.

Inside the building, engineers built a curved concrete wall connecting the three caves, to protect firefighters from falling rocks. The black color of the concrete was chosen to resemble burning wood, and this was achieved by adding coal dust.

- The place looks like private sanctuaries in times of emergency. The center was built inside a cave, to resemble a bunker in the movie "James Bond".