- For the sake of the process, I have to decide within the next few days, but this weekend I decided to be with my family and think together with them, Spiric tells TT.

Spiric, formerly among other municipal councils in Umeå, was nominated by Fyrbodal's party district on Sunday.

- We wanted to feel that we had strong support for a name if we were to come up with a nomination and we felt completely confident in nominating Tamara Spiric, says Elise Norberg Pilhem, district chair in Fyrbodal to SVT News. The district emphasizes that Spiric is a strong representative of rural issues and feminist municipal politics.

- I hope she wants and I hope she wants even more now that she feels she is supported by some districts, says Elise Norberg Pilhem

Jämtland also nominates Spiric.

- She has a perspective for the entire country, not just Stockholm, says Gustav Onillsgård, district chairman in Jämtland.

V in Östergötland County has decided to nominate Nooshi Dadgostar. She announced this week that she is ready to take over the party.

Won five to four

On Sunday, Dadgostar was also nominated by the district in Uppsala county. District Chairman Per-Markus Risman points to her experience of grassroots politics and her time as Deputy Party Chair and MP. He draws a picture of a sharp, intelligent but also very warm and open person.

- A decision I'm very proud of, Risman tells SVT.

In a final vote, Dadgostar won by five votes against four votes for Spiric.

"Private Sacrifice"

Tamara Spiric says it is extremely honorable to be nominated and sees it as a recognition for her past political work. She sees in front of her the "fantastic opportunity" to maybe get involved and together with others try to increase the party's voter support and "do good things for Sweden and those who need it in Sweden".

- But it also means a private sacrifice and I weigh these things against each other, she says.

Following Dadgostar's announcement that she is ready, the praises hail from V-heavyweights. Economic policy spokesperson Ulla Andersson, EU parliamentarian Malin Björk, Rosanna Dinamarca and MP Jens Holm are among those who praised. Common to the heels is that they all refused to take over the helm in the party themselves.

The party's nomination committee has set February 21 as the final date for nominations for the chairman. But anyone who wants can stand up to Congress at the end of May.