Strict access to Chinese local government Concerns affecting corporate activities February 10 at 6:50

In China, some local governments take strict measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus before corporate activities resume, and in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, where many Japanese companies are operating, infectious areas such as Hubei Province Regulates the entry of people from seven provinces into the city.

According to the announcement by the Wuxi Municipal Government, entry into the city will be restricted from seven provinces in Hubei, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Henan, Hunan, Anhui, and Jiangxi. Who is coming.

In order to enter Wuxi City from outside these seven provinces, permission from the authorities is required.

In addition, in order for foreigners, including Japanese, to return to the city, the authorities must be affiliated with a company that has permitted activities to resume, and within 14 days, such as Hubei Province He says he has never been to seven provinces.

More than 300 Japanese companies are believed to have offices in Wuxi, and there is concern that corporate activities will be significantly affected.