
09 February 2020The opera mourns the death of Mirella Freni. The great Modenese soprano died after a long illness in his city. He would have turned 85 on February 27. Among the top singers in his role, he trod the stages around the world with enormous success.
"Sister of milk" by the other Modenese star Luciano Pavarotti, Mirella Freni made her debut in her twenties in 1955 in Carmen in the Teatro Comunale of her hometown. Since then, a decades-long career, until retiring in 2005. He sang under all the major conductors of his time, from Karajan to Böhm, from Gavazzeni to Abbado.
Specialist in Puccini's roles (her Bohème with Pavarotti is unforgettable), Freni has ranged throughout the bel canto and veristic repertoire, with episodes up to Handel's baroque and Mozart and to Tchaikovsky 's Evegnij Onegin . He leaves numerous recordings.