New Hampshire swells for U.S. presidential primary election February 8 at 7:15

Before the second round of US presidential election candidate selection, the eastern New Hampshire primary election, will take place next week, Democratic candidate camps are booming in the country, appealing to citizens for support.

The Democratic nominee for the US presidential election will be preceded by a rallies in Midwest Iowa this week, followed by a primary election in eastern New Hampshire this month.

Democratic candidates are arriving onsite after the Iowa party rally, and the mood for the primary is growing.

Near the venue for the candidate's television debate on the 7th, Iowa's former mayor of South Bend, a former Butigejudge, and a member of Senator Warren's camp, wandering in the rain, holding their own signboards in the rain Appealing to the people.

A volunteer man from Warren's camp said, "We're in a chaotic battle, and I think 75% of my neighbors haven't decided who to vote for yet. Was.

Meanwhile, since the Republican primary election will take place, Trump's supporters in other places have called for support, such as "4 more years", with placards and flags, and sounded horns in the car. Some people cheered.

A local man said, "President Trump's impeachment trial is ridiculous, and I'm glad it's over. I want to continue to support him."