New virus China Hubei Province Medical staff shortage of more than 2,000 February 7 5:39


In China, where the spread of the new coronavirus continues, the number of patients has exceeded 28,000 and the death toll has risen to 563. In Hubei Province, where the situation is most severe, there are over 2,000 health care workers in treating patients, and citizens have criticized that they are not receiving enough treatment.

According to the Chinese health authorities and the National Health and Health Commission, 28,018 people have been infected with the new coronavirus and 563 have died.

In Hubei Province, where the spread of infection is the most serious, Deputy Minister Yang Yunhiko held a press conference on the night of June 6, and said that more than 10,000 doctors and others from all over China rushed to support, while dealing with respiratory medicine and severely ill patients. Revealed that there are more than 2,000 health workers shortage.

In Wuhan, Hubei Province, a specialized hospital has been constructed by rushing work to cope with the rapidly increasing number of patients, and temporary medical facilities, such as a gymnasium, have been put into operation one after another.

On the other hand, there has been some criticism that citizens are not receiving adequate medical treatment due to the lack of medical staff to treat patients.

A 30-year-old woman told her NHK phone interview on the 6th that her 57-year-old father was isolated from a temporary medical facility said, "The facility seems to be very dangerous because there are no healthcare workers in the facility. We want to monitor the response of Wuhan City closely so that many patients can survive. "