Nebenzya noted that the Russian side is still studying the details of the "deal of the century" proposed by the United States.

“The main mood of the discussion was that for serious discussion it is necessary that the Palestinians agreed in principle to discuss it,” TASS quoted him as saying.

U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN Kelly Kraft, in turn, stated that the meeting was held in a very constructive spirit and expressed hope for continued dialogue.

Earlier, Palestinian Permanent Representative to the UN Riyad Mansour announced plans to submit to the Security Council a resolution condemning the "deal of the century" submitted by the United States.

On January 28, US leader Donald Trump unveiled his Middle East settlement plan.

According to the “deal of the century,” Jerusalem becomes the indivisible capital of Israel, with the Palestinian capital being created in East Jerusalem. In addition, Israel gains sovereignty over the Jordan Valley.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the offer.