New type pneumonia China President Xi “Problem with initial government response” February 4 4:42 admitted for the first time

Xi Jinping Jintao of China for the spread of the new coronavirus, as opinion of the entire Communist Party leadership, after having admitted for the first time that there was a problem with the initial of the corresponding government, thorough preventive measures, citing the country He showed the idea of ​​suppressing the spread of infection.

According to China's state-owned Xinhua News Agency, Xi held a meeting with the Communist Party's Supreme Leadership Political Affairs Committee on Tuesday on responding to the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

In this statement, President Xi said, `` We will give a noble respect to medical professionals who work at the forefront and give sincere visits to patients and their families, '' And strive to combat the illness as soon as possible, and decisively curb the spread of infection. "

At the meeting, in terms of showing the policy to focus on the expansion of the medical system in the spread of infection is the most serious Hubei, did not reach the "corresponding defects of the current government, which came to light Ya as a whole of the opinion Xi Jinping leadership We need to improve our crisis management system and improve our emergency response capabilities using the lessons learned as a lesson, '' he acknowledged for the first time that there was a problem with the government's initial response, and expressed his intention to improve the response. Was.

However, it did not clarify what specific problems were in the initial response.